Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tools Of Baccus: the Solomon Series con't

This set of 4 paintings has been much fun to create and may have involved some wine for inspiration. Each piece measures 4 feet by 3.5 feet and is based on antique corscrews.
from left to right: Spring Screw,Levered Screw, Double Lever Screw, Double Helix Screw.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Too let everyone know: The original collector of the Jazz Series has informed me that due to these troubled times and with deepest regret at their possible loss, he wishes the series to be posted for sale.
If you are interested in this series for pricing and availiabilty please contact me at:
to view the series:

Monday, November 9, 2009

works for the Solomon Series

Currently I'm working on a series of pieces for Solomons cocktail lounge restaurant. Here are a few samples:

Saturday, November 7, 2009


24 x 48, oil on canvas, SOLD
I worked on this piece off and on for over a year.

GOD (after Michelangelo)


Mortality and My Tooth

SOLD18 x 24 oil over acrylic on canvas, 2008.
This piece stems from a re-occurring nightmare I had as a child where-in I discovered ones mortality through the lose of a tooth, the degeneration of the body. I painted this after a dental visit where I needed a tooth pulled.


30 x 40, oil on canvas, 2008, (SOLD)
Everyone wears a different mask at times. I had spent 16 years in theatre with great friends, this is dedicated to them.


30 x 40
oil on canvas, 2008


I did this series back in 2001 through to 2005, it turned out to be quite popular. Only 4 pieces remain in my collection. Erapture, 24 x 36, oil (the genesis of the series)available
GREEKS, TROJAN WOMEN, ROMANS, 18 x 36 available
MORGAN, CLEO - fire dancing friends of mine-sold

Sunday, October 25, 2009

work in progress: octopus

7 days agotoday
size: 48 x 24, available
Another octopus, I know, but I like painting them. Perhaps its because their many arms remind me of my many styles of work, everything going in a different direction but connected to a core being.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This latest piece is a depiction of Pan,
playing his pipes late at night, deep in the forest.
30 x 40
oil on canvas
created: october 19, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hanging with Zala

Hanging out with my most amazing friend K Z last night as she wrapped hoola hoops and I worked on starting a series of large pieces for a local coffee rotissery. The work is still in progress, but we had a fantastic night of it all. I'll have to get some pics of her hoops to post here as well.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Two newer pieces

Another Bonefish and a classical old Hobart portable welder.
Bonefish is Available.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Whimsical and fun, every once in awhile I paint another one. These ones are in private collections. But I think I will do some more soon.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just open your door...

Thanks to everyone who stopped by as I opened my door over the weekend during Fernfest and the 2009 Fernwood Art Stroll. I had a wonderful 2 days sharing my space and art with you all. I'm all talked out at the moment, but wow, you beautiful strangers all, wow. (and too my good friends, thank you, but somebody owes me two large and lovely wineglasses!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Inspiration of a moment

click to enlarge
12x 36
oil on canvas

This piece was somewhat cathardic for me to create. It represents moments in my life I once cherished and am unable to reclaim. I guess we all have those, I hope you look back on yours with fondness. It now resides in the home of whom it was meant for.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Frog Pond Sculptures I have made

This Frog piece is cast in bronze and resides at Long Lake in Naniamo, B.C. Created and unveiled in 1999, it should last a good 5,000 years. How crazy is that?

This Frog piece was alot of work, cast in concrete and using acid washes to create a bronze look.
Created and then installed in Comox, B.C. 2006.

In progress: Knew Them When

Currently working on a piece for a band, though they don't know it yet.
Here's some pics of the first days work:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

my new pond

Had a few days off and an incomplete area on my deck. Originally I was going to put down sod, but I think this is far more relaxing. Now anyway, carrying all those rocks up to the roof, well, I'm not going anywhere tonight, beyond the deck anyway. Oh and the frog I cast outta concrete with my good friend Ben Nolin a few years back.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One big canvas, one long day...

A friend gave me this fairly large canvas the other day. I spent part of a day prepping it and decided that Wedensday I would paint it. I worked on it for about 16 hours that day. I'm hoping to finish it tonight, but who knows
